…To Black People…

By: Arc

Level: 2

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Warning: This arC-ticle makes no sense

Django, Selma, 12 years a slave, BET, Birth of a nation; that’s the best you can offer? That’s all there is to black history? Were we nothing but slaves? No black dynasties to showcase; no story of love between races…Why do we keep opening old wounds? Is this the way to go in the fight against racism? Racism would stop when you teach my twelve year old son via your “sad sad” movies that white men are evil and barbaric, yeah right it would….History is extremely important but when you over flog it you are surely asking for something….

When would y’all truly move on? Barole Conglomerate has 12 black men as members of the board in Nigeria, no one says anything, Banquit Conglomerate-Texas has 12 white men as members of the board and it’s a racist issue…I would go down to basics now…Do note I am a black male…

The Beginnings:

Humans/animals are territorial; everyone like a lion should protect his pride…So we chilling in Africa then the white skinned fellas find us…We do our best to mark our territory but somehow we are over-powered thanks to a host of factors (Top of the list-Gun powder, ignorance, greed, betrayal)…We get dominated in our own backyard, shame on us…Our own brothers accepting gifts to sell us out…

At this point, let it be made known—“White men have nothing personal against us…” They only won the territorial battle which animals are programmed to fight…Spend a day watching NatGeo wild and you’d see…The real criminals, the real villains are the “black” slave masters who went against nature to forsake their kin…


We quickly become the white man’s bitch; totally the way of the world…When someone overpowers you or has several edges over you, you become their bitch (got you by the balls right?)…Don’t sulk or think them arrogant, mean or wicked. They own your ass, simple as that…e.g. the C.E.O owns his secretary’s ass in all manner of ways (To avoid persecution from the Feminist court, I say both the CEO and secretary are men!)…Don’t like the tone of his voice? How he treats you? Quit! In your eyes you are leaving oppression, in his eyes you are going to suffer “unemployment”…I know it would be silly to draw comparisons with slavery but hold on to this—In their eyes you’d die if you went back to Africa or ran away with no one to feed you; in your eyes you are running from oppression…Again in all fairness, if your secretary hands in his resignation and you absolutely know your office can not run without him (@ who’s gon work mi cotton fields? who’s gon scrub mi wood clean?) ; you’ve got two options:

  1. Make him an offer—Increase salary, fringe benefits.
  2. Make him an offer he can’t refuse—Stay or I sue you for breach of contract; Stay or I make sure you never ever get another job.

Too bad the white men more often than not went for option 2; whipping, maiming, caging, chaining, some even killed, too bad… The world is not fair and at that time in total fact we were at NatGeo level (Survival of the fittest)…Again nothing personal…Want a fair world? Don’t eat cow (surely if cows had brains they would have led protests), be vegetarian (hell, plants have life too), drink only water…We all enjoy watching the lion devour a deer right? Simple, at that time we were deer, they were lions…Nothing personal…


The black man used his brute strength to develop the white man’s land… After years of slavery and the many revolutions (if we had fought with this much passion in our own backyards and had the unity maybe we wouldn’t have been slaves), the white man realized that the black man is indeed stronger than he is…The white man feared our strength, feared our unity and in his infinite wisdom (yeah I said it, they invented play station for Christ’s sake) made the laws…The law stopped us from bashing all their brains out…The law formed society and in society we couldn’t go NatGeo wild on their asses…The law is all that keeps us from our basic animal instincts…Yes the law was very partial at the time and we began to speak against the law and demanded that the law protected all (@Martin  Luther and all freedom fighters). They saw they were losing the battle again so they raised banners “Stop racism.” They joined hands with us and asked everyone to look at the general picture, we were all humans—Homo sapiens, not Homo sapiens ebon and Homo sapiens whiticus…Perhaps we should ask the lion to look upon the deer as “mammal”…We accepted, we wanted peace…Peace never came, hatred ran deep across generations…


We are “free”…We choose not to come home…PTSD spanning across generations…We cling to our masters and neglect our true home…People die in Paris, we pray; People die in Mali we mock…White man refuses to employ black lad, we protest; Black man refuses to employ millions of black men, we mock, if at all, our time is too precious to talk about matters of home… People are even voluntarily crossing seas, to get away from polluted Africa (I wonder who would fix it)…Black Nigerian woman is a United States elections analyst (surely it concerns her, she’s a citizen right? Perhaps Nigeria’s citizenship is second choice); Black Professor is more passionate about white men’s election (yeah land for all people)… People excel in their fields then cross the ocean to impact white kids with knowledge (@ said black woman and black professor lecturing overseas and not in their backyards). The black kids only need them for inspiration across waters. Everything in the white man’s land is about us; we must be noticed; affirmative action, boycott the Oscars etc…Can we give it a rest? White man wins an award, speech—“Want to thank God almighty and my loving wife”…Black man gets same award “This goes out to all the black men, this is for all our years of suffering.” Everywhere there is a news line reading “Black kid bags three degrees”, “Black kid gets highest CGPA.” Oh please shut it, again I ask can we move on already? Can’t it be “Kid bags three degrees?” Somehow we feel we are “entitled” to this or that just cos we black. Extra applause? A little pity, a little pat? Want special treatment? Come home, sadly even at home the special treatment is given to the white man/expatriates…We hate ourselves at home and would gladly shine the visiting white man’s shoes—-PTSD across generations, across millions…

It is only natural that you would be resented for shining in another man’s land (Re: Egyptians and Israelites)…Stop competing in foreign waters, come home and form your own dynasty…Create a “dark force” that the entire world would bow to…. Africa needs you, your home needs you. Africa suffers brain and manpower drain…The world doesn’t care about us like we want them to care (everyone is ultimately programmed to be selfish and even when feeling charitable; it always begins at home, with kin) and we don’t even care about  ourselves…

We want peace? We have to forget, we have got to stop with all these productions telling black people and white people that we hate each other, reminding everyone of just why we must “hate” and distrust…We have to chin up; stop selling drugs, stop 419 and ponzi schemes, stop trapping, come home and build our territory to its former glory…Accept what has happened, move on, believe in “human rights” not “black rights”All lives matter (except maybe Asian lives—I love Jackie Chan lol) rather than black lives matter. Surely there are still some people that would spark up that hatred again by their attitude and statement, please be the bigger person…If you absolutely can’t take it, come home and deal with kin…Dragons and dinosaurs were once the terror of the ecosystem, now they are extinct…Our “masters” can go extinct too…

I’d like to see more movies about interracial dating (devoid of the racist plot and not just porn), I’d like to see movies about dark skinned heroes, kings and queens without the super plot of “made it despite the skin color and hostile environment.” Frankly I find all these ‘showcase racism’ movies distasteful and have decided to stop watching them


End Note: They won the first battle of the ecosystem, now there’s a different battle brewing…Not with gun powder and chains…This battle would involve brains…We cannot lose a second time…Blacks be prepared, Africa be prepared…Yeah yeah they have a head start but we could be the tortoise that beat the hare…

Thanks for reading this babble…Do share to reach more black  people

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2 Comments …To Black People…

  1. Orieno Smiles

    Well, I must appreciate your skillful manipulation and placement of words, kudos…!
    The Law: it’s the shield behind which the westerners placed. Yea, it’s a battle again, but it’s of economics(the brain) and the second slavery is the UN. And if you must win the war, you must learn to lose the IMF(the battle) and stand as as an entity to protect your territory.

    I share in your vision


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