By:  Arc

Level: 3

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Obinwanne Okeke is NOT a CRIMINAL, I say this not only because I believe it but because he told me so. I have known Obi for donkey years now and have shared over a crate of beers with him. Exactly 2 years ago, Obi walked into my lounge and after our usual high spirited hug and greetings exchange, he collapsed into silence. Minutes passed then I questioned him and he said:

“Brah, ALL IS VANITY! I have all that should make a man happy, money, cars, toys and girls. I have CEO attached to my name and my company is not some start up. I am FORBES list featured. The clubbing, TED talks, airplanes and trips, it all gets tiring. I am not happy. I crave FREEDOM, I crave peace.” Continue reading