By: Ebuka Nwachukwu
Level: 1
My mind is like shattered glass
I lie on thorns as soft and green as field grass
My soul is like a scrambled puzzle
It would have killed me had it not worn a muzzle Continue reading
By: Ebuka Nwachukwu
Level: 1
My mind is like shattered glass
I lie on thorns as soft and green as field grass
My soul is like a scrambled puzzle
It would have killed me had it not worn a muzzle Continue reading →
By: Ebuka Nwachukwu
Level: 1
I close my ears because the sounds I hear are too loud
Pandemonium outside and inside me are a noisy crowd
But somewhere within I hear a still small voice
“If you block out the doubts, you’ll hear me beyond the noise” Continue reading →
By: Ebuka Nwachukwu
Level: 1
As Moses went up to the mountain to see his God
We remained down here and made our lord
Nobody claimed ignorance of this sin
We brought our finest jewelries to make this thing Continue reading →
By: Ebirim, Joseph Ogadinma
Level: 1
Amidst the celebrations that adorns festivities which mark Christmas, the end of a year and the beginning of a new year, there is unarguably the need to ask myself salient questions about how well I have spent the passing year and how prepared am I to begin the new year and to make it a much better year than the passing year. The last few days of the year affords me the opportunity to take stock of my year in retrospect, identify my flaws and make resolutions to be a better me in the New Year. It is a time to plan to succeed better than ever because failure to plan is a great plan to fail. Continue reading →
By: Okoli Stephanie Orjiugo (O.S.O)
Level: 1
I paint the canvas red
Color so bright and daring to blind your imagination
Crimson, deep and rich in liquid agony
By: Alozie Ngozi Eudora
Level: 1
I muse at my tender age;
How innocent I was;
I thought of the tender care;
Rendered by my parents;
How playful I used to be;
All the friends I had around me;
Rolled all day in the dirt;
Mom always willing to clean up.
By: Cruella
Level: 1
We were beautiful winged creatures
We lived for a cause
To never disappoint Father
Father knew what was best
There was always an end game