…Why It Is Still Cool To Ignore Ponzi Schemes…

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These seven reasons show why you should stand by your decision to not engage in Ponzi schemes

Promise of big money consistently with little work:

Entrepreneurs know that there are of course things that you can do to make money without having to work all that hard. But, it’s just not possible for everyone who joins a business to be able to make so much return without working. Making money takes work. Entrepreneurs also know that NO business on earth can consistently provide such returns. Businesses have ups and downs simple. Continue reading

Dark Side Of Entrepreneurship

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10 Things No One Will Tell You About Being An Entrepreneur

The talk about entrepreneurship always sprouts excitement. You’re told how you’d be your own boss, set your own time, make a lot of money, and probably live happily ever after. While some of these details could be true, many never achieve all, and this is primarily because they never knew what they were getting into. Before you quit your day job, or outrightly convince yourself that you don’t have to work for anyone, here are 10 things no one will ever tell you about being an entrepreneur that you must know:

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