…To Black People…

By: Arc

Level: 2

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Warning: This arC-ticle makes no sense

Django, Selma, 12 years a slave, BET, Birth of a nation; that’s the best you can offer? That’s all there is to black history? Were we nothing but slaves? No black dynasties to showcase; no story of love between races…Why do we keep opening old wounds? Is this the way to go in the fight against racism? Racism would stop when you teach my twelve year old son via your “sad sad” movies that white men are evil and barbaric, yeah right it would….History is extremely important but when you over flog it you are surely asking for something….

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…Guardian Angel…

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Timeyin (One of NazCarGad’s family) has just released a superb song. Real GOOD music…Many agree this is her best work yet. She has a host of other songs under her belt (and she does wear belts a lot); I AM LEGEND, BROKEN HEARTED, JEGIDA….Enjoy GUARDIAN ANGEL and join us in dissecting the lyrics

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By: Arc

Level: 2

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The educational system gets attacked on a daily basis; there are many who believe it is a real “stupid” system, a total waste of time. With everyone making money off being dumb/silly/stupid, the much publicized joke about the prize monies of talent hunt shows and that of cowbell mathematics competition, one begins to wonder—Is a 22 year academic journey worth it?

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