…Making Your New Year Truly New…

By: Ebirim, Joseph Ogadinma
Level: 1
Amidst the celebrations that adorns festivities which mark Christmas, the end of a year and the beginning of a new year, there is unarguably the need to ask myself salient questions about how well I have spent the passing year and how prepared am I to begin the new year and to make it a much better year than the passing year. The last few days of the year affords me the opportunity to take stock of my year in retrospect, identify my flaws and make resolutions to be a better me in the New Year. It is a time to plan to succeed better than ever because failure to plan is a great plan to fail. Continue reading
…Steps To Abortion…

- By: Arc
Level: 2
This arCticle is inspired by the alarming number of young maidens who come to me for abortifacients…I am a pharmacist and almost on a daily basis I meet pretty girls who ask for a “solution” to their problem…So I’d give my advice here on this platform and pray to heavens they don’t keep coming because I am obliged by profession to throw my Catholicism out the window, listen and not judge… Continue reading
…Merry Christmas To All Our Writers And Lovers Of The Art….

…Seize The Air…

By: Ebuka Nwachukwu
Level: 1
Child Seize The Air!
From his nest the little bird looks up to see the great ones in the sky
With wobbly legs he stands, frowns, beats his little chest and vows to try
Everyday Mother Nature torments him with this magnificent sight
And every day he spreads his little wings and awaits the air to take him up with its might
…To Black People…

By: Arc
Level: 2
Warning: This arC-ticle makes no sense
Django, Selma, 12 years a slave, BET, Birth of a nation; that’s the best you can offer? That’s all there is to black history? Were we nothing but slaves? No black dynasties to showcase; no story of love between races…Why do we keep opening old wounds? Is this the way to go in the fight against racism? Racism would stop when you teach my twelve year old son via your “sad sad” movies that white men are evil and barbaric, yeah right it would….History is extremely important but when you over flog it you are surely asking for something….
…Clap For Me Too…

By: Ebuka Nwachukwu
Level: 1
How does God decide people who get good fortunes?
What qualities qualified them for his blessings?
The wisest king said that Jehovah had no criteria
Whether it is good luck or bad is a matter of chance
…Nigeria’s Grown Fashion Industry: Part 1…

XO+ Clothing Company…
In the spirit of patriotism and culture “vulturism”, we present the XO+ Clothing Company…In line with keeping the Naira relevant, you should patronize this on-shore international standard

By: Arc
Level: 2
A contour made on a glass;
By my face pressed against it;
The glass sheet, the pane;
Eyes twitching at the scenes.
…Deal In The Dark…

By: Ebuka Nwachukwu
Level: 1
We are great artists from all over this planet
But at this time we had not made our names yet
Beethoven, Mozart, Shakespeare and Hemingway
“Eternal demon we beseech thee please clear our way”