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…Throwback: Nollywood Classics…

…Only A Few Tell Better Stories…BRING THEM TO CINEMAS
…I’d Rather Be Well Paid…

By: Arc
Level: 3
The emboldened letters above form my reply to the much publicized “I’d rather be self made” campaign. It is becoming sickening the way entrepreneurs talk about “having a job”. If I should key into the trend of the 21st century, people with jobs are being “job-shamed” by the entrepreneur elites…Every corner there is someone bashing a 9-5, someone referencing Steve Jobs, Zuckerberg, Davido, Ikeji etc…I know they mean well, trying to inspire the young to break out of the chains convention has bound them with, get them to think outside the box…Quick questions though “Do you have to be so bashful about salary earning?” “Must you drive a desk job fellow to the famous suicidal bridge before you motivate others?” “Are you at all concerned that you are giving a very powerful sermon to a congregation full of unformed, unrefined and un-mentored minds?” Minds that lack in understanding as well as in wisdom…Minds that swallow all you say and fail to process thoughts accordingly, blindly following the “self-made” train… Continue reading
…Love The Life You Live And Live The Life You Love…Bob Marley…
…Calvary Walk…

By: Ebuka Nwachukwu
Level: 1
“Elohim it is I your only son that calls”
“Great prince of the heaven is now weak and so falls”
But Gabriel’s gentle voice can be heard from afar:
“Strength to the king who will win the morning star”
“This cross I carry is not what makes me weak”
“It is the hate in the eyes of those whose salvation I seek”
But Michael was quick to remind the tired God
“Before Yahweh and his elders you agreed to toss your crown into mud” Continue reading
Memories from The Past

By: Chika Obi
Level: 1
As the wind drops by
A sensation it drags along
A tickling of the unseen mind
Popping out objects of the admired past
Indeed a desert, for the gentle soul. Continue reading
…Gardener May Water A Hundred Buckets, Fruit Arrives Only In Its Season…Sage Kabir…
…The Catholic Church Exodus…

By: Arc
Level: 3
Why People Leave the Catholic Church
The Priest: It’s either they let any willing billy enter the seminary or they don’t train them enough. Rule number one “A priest should never ever be a bore, never ever.”
Someone trained for years in philosophy should come out refined and should awe the crowd with each word that comes out his mouth. A priest must be pious, have charisma and most importantly have a sense of humor with an ability to connect dots. You are going to be talking to people the rest of your life; you must be good at it or be trained to be good at it. You can’t spend years studying good books, listening to old geniuses and bishops, touring cities on apostolic work and still turn out a pious, uncharismatic bore.
Catholic priests these days lack the essential qualities of a priest. Some are too lazy to put their back into the work, they come to mass to recite the same homily we have heard from CRK, catechism and other homilies. The effect- most people are sleeping through mass. I know a priest who puts his back into it and I site him as an example. Father John prepares notes for his homily prior to the mass. He reads, meditates and digests the word of God, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide his thoughts so he knows how best to convey the message to his flock. He links the readings to family, duty, politics-everyday life. The sweet priest links the homily to last night’s show on African Magic. That’s connecting… Continue reading
…It’s Your Day…

By: Ebuka Nwachukwu
Level: 1
Out of 365 days of the year there is one day when everyone is a celebrity
On that day you are the star of your own dream; sign your autograph for your fans
Numerous Facebook write-ups all announcing the anniversary of your birth
Today Mummy remembers the theatre room, the pains and then the joy of the gift that is you. Continue reading