…The Women: Review…

By: Cruella

Level: 1

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Last week I saw the trailer for this movie and decided that I must see it. I don’t know what had my mind made up-The cast; I love Ufuoma Mcdermott- or All I have heard about Blessing Egbe.

If you haven’t seen this movie and would love to see it— SPOILERS AHEAD!!! You have been warned. Now let’s get to my humble review of this supposed “trend-setter”. Continue reading

…My First Movie Premiere…

By: Arc

Level: 3

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I settled for Lana Del Rey inspired blue-jeans-white-shirt costume, I sure did not want to over dress; I wasn’t a star in the movie, there was no need to whip out a three piece…An optical illusion made me believe the premiere would start at 2pm and I arrived SPAR (Filmhouse Cinema Old GRA Port Harcourt) at 1:40 (I’m quite the early bird)…I obtained my ticket from Miss Nkoli Os’kar (the one who scripted the movie and who invited me). She made me see clearly:

Red Carpet 2pm

Premiere by 3pm Continue reading

…Why It Is Still Cool To Ignore Ponzi Schemes…

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These seven reasons show why you should stand by your decision to not engage in Ponzi schemes

Promise of big money consistently with little work:

Entrepreneurs know that there are of course things that you can do to make money without having to work all that hard. But, it’s just not possible for everyone who joins a business to be able to make so much return without working. Making money takes work. Entrepreneurs also know that NO business on earth can consistently provide such returns. Businesses have ups and downs simple. Continue reading