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…A Non-Writing Writer Is A Monster Courting Insanity…Franz Kafka

By: Ebuka Nwachukwu
Level: 1
I close my ears because the sounds I hear are too loud
Pandemonium outside and inside me are a noisy crowd
But somewhere within I hear a still small voice
“If you block out the doubts, you’ll hear me beyond the noise” Continue reading
We Present “NazHealth”: Click For Health-Themed Arcticles By Professionals…This Category Would Also Share Links To Affiliate Pharma-Guide Nigeria (Number One Drug Information Site)
…Nigerians Have No Right To Discuss Racism…We Practice Kindredism…Arc
…Never Regret Something Because At One Point Everything You Did Was Exactly What You Wanted To Do. Sometimes That’s The Hardest Thing To Realize…Kid Cudi…
…I Love The Ant…

By: Arc
Level: 2
The smallest creature I’ve seen;
Small tiny with six legs;
It walks and moves majestically;
Proud of its marvelous structure;
Oh! That animal with six legs. Continue reading
…I Made This Idol…

By: Ebuka Nwachukwu
Level: 1
As Moses went up to the mountain to see his God
We remained down here and made our lord
Nobody claimed ignorance of this sin
We brought our finest jewelries to make this thing Continue reading
…Nigeria’s Grown Fashion Industry: Part 2…

RitzY RencY…
Designers rule the world because everything is “by design”…Meet RencY, one of Nigeria’s leading lights in tailor made clothing…