…The Observer…

By: Ebuka Nwachukwu

Level: 1

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I am the philosopher whose quest is to understand the state

To understand it is to understand these people bound by fate

Armed with my quill and parchment I prayed to the lord

“If I analyze the purpose of the pen let me see that of the sword”


But does man really need man to survive?

Did not John the Baptist live in a desert and still thrived?

Is man only fulfilled in the eyes of other men?

What was the first society? Who knows when?

Is society like a very big stage?

And does each actor have a particular role in every page?

Who decides who plays master? Who decides who plays slave?

Why did this writer make “Sir Peter” lord over “Mr Dave”?


I, the observer, also considered the concepts of love and hate

Is smiling at John and sneering at Mark decided by fate?

It seems these two words help societies to group

So the “Case of X vs Y” continues on in an infinite loop


Have you heard of the story of the two chicks?

Well one killed the other; I saw the blood on her beak

And what was it that made her do something so dark?

Funny really, she was born white while the other was born black


I, the observer, overheard a lady reject a man because of “class”

“I don’t think our union as man and wife will ever come to pass”

“Your world and mine are not the same”

“Society will never allow me to bear your name”


I saw some traders peddling a new good

According to them it was far more essential than food

“It will make all that is wrong about society right”

“The commodity is called “religion”; it would save us from our plights”


I, the observer, saw a sad – looking boy standing apart

It seemed that from every group he was asked to depart

“Luke to be honest with you, I don’t think you fit in”

Is it because of this that the boy looked so thin?


“All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others”

The eternal principle which tells the underprivileged not to bother

“If the script says your role is that of a pauper, just stick to that”

“There is no point dreaming of playing king; they’ll just say you are mad”


I, the observer, see no reason why we should live based on culture

When society dies, its carcass will be eaten by that same vulture

Today let us arise, hold hands and together say no!

“Today both Paul and Peter I will endeavor to know!”

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