By: Okoli Stephanie Orjiugo (O.S.O)
Level: 1
I paint the canvas red
Color so bright and daring to blind your imagination
Crimson, deep and rich in liquid agony
An embodiment of pain and suffering
Crawling down the walls of my canvas
And dripping unto the ground of uncertainty
I paint the canvas black
Color filled with strength yet riddled in weakness
My paintbrush strokes my canvas in a manner of firm vertical lines
But my paint streaks away, crisscrossing until it leaves a pattern of doubt
How dark and gruesome my canvas is
Even the tongue of my brush could feel its chills
I paint the canvas yellow
A ray of hope
A sun to behold
To dry the crimsoned tears
To warm the gruesome chills
In a room filled with horrific bellows
There lies a canvas of sweet mellows